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    Enrolment Policy

    Enrolment Guidelines

    1. No reservation or enrolment by phone / fax is accepted.
    2. Member should be aware of the time slot of different classes to avoid conflicting time schedule when enrolling. Please choose the most appropriate course / activity time and date carefully.
    3. Request of course withdrawal must be written and submitted to Member Services not later than 14 days prior to the commencement of course. An administration fee of HK$200 will be applied to each request.

      If the enrolment fee is less than or equal to HK$200, 75% of it will be refunded. Refund will be processed around 2 months after the receipt of request for course withdrawal under normal circumstances.

    4. Request of course transfer must be written and submitted to Member Services not later than 14 days prior to the commencement of course. Course transfer can only be entertained if there is vacancy and the applicant meets course requirements. An administration fee of HK$200 will be applied. If refund is needed upon course transfer, refund will be processed around 1 mouth after the receipt of request for course transfer under normal circumstances.
    5. YMCA of Hong Kong reserves the right to cancel course / activity due to insufficient enrolment. All efforts will be made to place participants in a similar course. If none is available, fees paid will be refunded as e-points and can be redeemed by cheque or back transfer. Refund will be processed around 1 mouth after the cancellation of course / activity under normal circumstances.
    6. There will be no make-up class or refund for any absences. Members must not exchange or transfer courses with one another after enrolment. Replacement of attendee is prohibited.
    7. Please refer to the “Bad Weather Policy” for bad weather conditions.
    8. In the event of holiday or special programme, all classes affected will be postponed. Rearrangement will be confirmed by staff.
    9. The YMCA of Hong Kong will arrange make-up session for any cancellation which is due to administrative reasons (e.g. instructor falls sick), no refund will be made for such cases.
    10. For enquiries regarding the enrolment process and procedure, please refer to the organizing sections.
    11. All cheque payments shall be signed payable to “YMCA of Hong Kong”.
    12. Post-dated cheque is not accepted.
    13. Please bring along the receipt to the first lesson of each course for verification by instructor and keep until course completion.
    14. Members must complete the enrolment procedure before attending a class.
    15. The YMCA of Hong Kong has the right to amend the details of activities, courses and programmes, without prior notice. Members shall be notified of the change by staff shortly.
    16. Please refer to the notice posted at Member Services Section at Lobby on G/F for the updated venue of the courses / activities.
    17. All participants must ascertain if they comply with the criteria of concerned classes before enrolling. Those classes requiring individual screening of participants will be specified in the publicity materials and successful applicants will be notified by staff.
    18. For continuous classes, all current participants must pay before the last lesson of the current term to ensure they continue to enroll in the following term; or else, the quota will be allocated to other applicants.
    19. For progressive classes, participants will be promoted to the classes of higher grades according to one’s abilities and the recommendation by the instructors.
    20. Please attach the valid report slip to the enrolment form when enrolling for those courses bearing a symbol.
    21. The YMCA of Hong Kong has the right to take photo of or video-record the class activity for the purpose of publicity and course promotion. Participants who do not wish to be captured by video/photo or to be shown in any display material, please kindly notify the staff in CE in advance. The YMCA of Hong Kong will then make proper arrangements.
    Bad Weather Policy

    Public Holiday & Bad Weather Policy

    Applicable to Quarterly & General Programmes , as of 1 October, 2022

    1. Unless otherwise stated, there are no classes on Public Holidays.
    2. Please call 2782 6682 directly for programmes in King's Park Centenary Centre in case of bad weather.
    3. Upon announcement of Tropical Cyclone Warning Signal No. 8 or above, or Black Rainstorm Warning, pre-warning thereof, all classes will be cancelled or postponed.


    Tropical Cyclone Warning Signal No. 8 or above, or Black Rainstorm Warning

    ALL Classes and Activities Arrangement

    AM Session
    (Before 12:00nn)
    PM Session
    (12:00nn – 3:59p.m.)
    PM Session
    (4:00pm – 6:59p.m.)
    Evening Session
    (7:00p.m. – 10:30p.m.)
    At or before 6:00a.m. lowered Normal Normal Normal Normal
    6:01a.m. – 10:00a.m. lowered No classes/activities Normal Normal Normal
    10:01a.m. – 1:00p.m. lowered No classes/activities No classes/activities Normal Normal
    1:01p.m. – 4:00p.m. lowered Not applicable No classes/activities No classes/activities Normal
    At or after 4:01p.m. lowered Not applicable Not applicable No classes/activities No classes/activities


    Tropical Cyclone Warning Signal No. 3 or above, or Red Rainstorm Warning

    Classes and Activities Arrangement

    AM Session
    (Before 12:00nn)
    PM Session
    (12:00nn – 3:59p.m.)
    PM Session
    (4:00pm – 6:59p.m.)
    Evening Session
    (7:00p.m. – 10:30p.m.)
    At or before 6:00a.m. lowered Normal Normal Normal Normal
    6:01a.m. – 10:00a.m. lowered No classes/activities Normal Normal Normal
    10:01a.m. – 1:00p.m. lowered No classes/activities No classes/activities Normal Normal
    1:01p.m. – 4:00p.m. lowered Not applicable No classes/activities No classes/activities Normal
    At or after 4:01p.m. lowered Not applicable Not applicable No classes/activities No classes/activities
    1. All Outdoor Activities will be postponed or cancelled upon announcement of Tropical Cyclone Warning Signal No. 3 or above, or Red/Black Rainstorm Warning.
    2. Participants will be advised of re-scheduled classes due to bad weather as soon as possible. No fees will be refunded.
    3. Participants who enrol to the courses of Information Technology, Language, Business and Professional training, Children's Summer Playgroups, Toddlers' World, please refer to the announcement of the Education Bureau on radio or television in case of bad weather.

    The YMCA of Hong Kong reserves the right to cancel or postpone any course, programme or special event in its sole discretion. All enquiries can be directed to Member Services Hotline at Tel:2268 7060 or by Fax:2722 4004.