Membership information
Rules and Regulations
- Initial administration Fee and Membership subscriptions of any kind are NON-Refundable Membership is valid for one year from the date of payment Membership subscriptions have to be paid annually before the expiry date
Membership Card
- Members are required to bring along their membership cards for every visit, booking facilities and enrolment
- Membership cards and privileges are NOT TRANSFERRABLE to others
- Any request to replace the membership card other than for printing error is subject to a handling fee
Loss of Membership Card
- Lost card should be reported to Member Services Section as soon as possible for replacement
- Parents should accompany Youth Members (under 12 years old) for replacement of lost card at Member Services counter
- Please bring along a recent colour photo for card replacement and pay the handling fee
- Membership subscription is due to renewal annually. Debit notes will be mailed to members at least one month in advance
- Membership cards do not have an expiry date, no new membership cards will be issued upon renewal.
- Members who fail to renew the membership before expiry will be considered as lapsed members. Any request to reinstate membership has to be in writing to Member Services Manager and subject to the approval. Initial Administration fee will be added to the annual membership fee again, unless otherwise special approval is made. Pro-rata monthly payment for the lapsed period will be added to the annual membership fee, in the case where reinstatement is granted
Change of Membership Type
- Only Family Membership and Associate Individual Membership would be entertained for such change
- Application for change of membership type must be submitted before membership expires, expired membership will not be entertained
- Handling fee plus relevant cost and annual membership fee for a new membership category will be charged
- New membership card(s) with new membership type will be issued and card of withdrew member(s) will be retrieved.
- Youth membership adding family members to change status to Family Membership will not be entertained
- A copy of marriage certificate and birth certificate(s) are needed for change from Adult to Family Membership
- Additional family members have to submit a separate membership application form and a recent colour photo if they are aged 6 or above
Membership Cancellation
- Any member may withdraw from YMCA of Hong Kong by giving written notice to Member Services Section. Initial Administration fee and Membership subscriptions are NON-REFUNDABLE
- YMCA of Hong Kong reserves the right to revoke membership should the member violate YMCA regulations or in any way act in contradiction to YMCA’s mission or objectives
- YMCA membership cards, Fitness and Gecko Climbing Club membership cards remain the property of YMCA of Hong Kong and should be returned to YMCA of Hong Kong
Change of Information
- Members are required to report any changes of personal information (correspondence address, phone, fax, etc) in writing or download the “Change of Membership Information Form” from to Member Services Section as soon as possible, to ensure members receive all informative materials and membership renewal notice
- Members are expected to take the responsibilities by familiarizing yourselves with the member regulations and etiquette from the relevant publications and notices. Suggestions for programmes are welcome. Please feel free to use the suggestion box or talk to our staff
- All fess of membership, rentals or services are subject to change as are membership regulations and operation policies with or without advance notice
- Members must observe and follow all the rules and regulations set by YMCA and otherwise contribute to the well-being of YMCA of Hong Kong
- Enquiries may be directed to Member Services Section at telephone number 2368 7070 or e-mail: