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Curriculum & Teaching Approach

The Kindergarten follows the "Early Years Foundation Stage Framework" from the U.K., incorporating "A Biblical Foundation for Early Childhood Education" from University of the Nations, "Jolly Phonics" from the U.K, and theme-based activities.

Early Years Foundation (EYFS)

The Early Years Foundation Stage is a framework for children of kindergarten age, setting out 3 prime areas and 4 specific areas of learning around which activities should be based.

3 prime areas: Communication & Language, Physical Development, and Personal, Social and Emotional Development
4 specific areas: Literacy, Mathematics, Understanding the World, and Expressive Arts & Design

A Biblical Foundation for Early Childhood Education (BFECE)

A Biblical Foundation for Early Childhood Education, created to speak to the heart of a young child, was first published by University for the Nations over 30 years ago. It has been used by teachers from many nations in classrooms around the world.

This curriculum aims to:

    • Nurture a young child's relationship with God
    • Instill biblical values deeply into a child's heart
    • Build an understanding of biblical truth using many illustrations from God's Word
    • Create an environment where children are loved and valued.