Application Procedure
- Fill in and submit the online application form electronically
- Submit the following by post to the school Office (YMCA of Hong Kong Christian International Nursery (West Kowloon), Lower Ground Floor, 373 Po On Road, Cheung Sha Wan, Kowloon)
- Completed application form (printed hardcopy) with the child's passport size photo attached.
- 4 self-addressed stamped envelopes (If you change your address after submitting the applications, please call or email us to update your address with us.)
- Application fee of HK$40 (FORTY) to 'YMCA of Hong Kong' – cheque payment only.
- A copy of the child's Hong Kong birth certificate.
- For children who do not have a Hong Kong birth certificate, proof of eligibility to live and study in Hong Kong is required (for example, copy of parents' work visas, child's passport and dependent visa).
Admission Policy
New Pre-Nursery places are allocated according to the date of the completed application (both online and postal parts) received by the School Office. Priority of admissions goes to children of YMCAHK staff, siblings of students/graduates of YMCA of Hong Kong schools and children recommended by Toddlers' World (run by the YMCA of Hong Kong Preschool and Primary Leisure & Education Services).
Parents and children applying for K2 or K3 will be invited to attend a school visit when a place becomes available in K2 or K3 classes.